
The world's only mapless navigation app
Woman holding phone with WayPicker app
Faced by a crossroad and unsure where to go? Fire up Waypicker.
Let us show you
theOverlay replacing THE way by A way
Download on the App Store
Unfortunately, we're not on Android (yet).

What It Does

Woman holding phone
Standing before a crossroad and no idea where to go? Fire up WayPicker.
Tap the image that looks like the crossroad in front of you.
Woman holding phone
Woman holding phone
The app will tell you where to go.

How It Helps

Iphone with WayPicker app
WayPicker takes away the burden of making a decision. It offers an impartial answer to the question: Which way should I go?
  • Bulletpoint
    Maybe you’re visiting a new city and aren’t sure which of its nooks and crannies are worth exploring.
  • Bulletpoint
    Perhaps you want to play a small game with your friends: who’ll find the pub first, using WayPicker?
  • Bulletpoint
    Or you need a randomizer app for an urban puzzle hunt.
Why not ask an app to tell you where to go?
Let us show you
theOverlay replacing THE way by A way
Download on the App Store


Iphone with WayPicker app
Iphone with WayPicker app Iphone with WayPicker app Iphone with WayPicker app
Let us show you
theOverlay replacing THE way by A way
Download on the App Store


But how does the app know where I’m going?
It doesn’t. You’ll probably reach your destination eventually. Or not, but you’ll have explored your surroundings pretty closely by the time you decide to switch to an actual navigation app.
WayPicker simply lets you move the responsibility for making a choice to someone (something) else. Like flipping a coin. Or rolling a die.
Why would anyone develop this?!
We originally created WayPicker as a randomizing element in a outdoor puzzle hunt. Now we're sending it out into the world for others to enjoy as well!
The WayPicker application is meant for entertainment purposes only. Use it at your own risk!


Iphone with WayPicker app
Download the world’s only mapless nav app today.
Let us show you the way.
Let us show you
theOverlay replacing THE way by A way
Download on the App Store
Unfortunately, we're not on Android (yet).